Acupuncture Treatment For Insomnia – Acupuncture is a Natural Remedy for Insomnia or Sleeplessness or Sleep Disorder, Acupuncture Gives Faster Recovery without any Medications.
“Peace of mind is an essential preliminary to sleep” – William McDougall.
Few common conditions cause more misery and discomfort to the patients than insomnia. The whole mental and physical vigour is impaired, tolerance is reduced, reaction to situations becomes abnormal and the capacity for work is decreased.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder also known as Wakefulness or Dyssomnia which is an inability to sleep or to sleep for long enough to get a proper night’s rest. The main effect of insomnia is that you feel constantly tired, irritable, and may have poor coordination and concentration. Sleep is necessary to repair the body and provide physical and mental rest.
In most instances insomnia is due to pain or anxiety. Various painful situations like back ache, abdominal pain, restless leg syndrome and acroparesthesia (tingling, prickling, burning, or numb feeling in the hands or feet – which can be very painful) are known to disturb sleep. The psychiatric illness which causes insomnia include anxiety necrosis, depression, maniac depressive psychosis and hypochondriasis. Insomnia may occur either in the form of a difficulty in falling asleep and tendency to sleep late or an early morning walking inability to return to sleep.
It can be a symptom of some underlying condition. The symptoms include:
Insomnia usually caused due to anxiety, stress or trauma.
Few short-term causes could be due to disruptions in circadian rhythm- biological clock of sleep-wake cycle of the human body, which could be because of:
If untreated, the condition leads to
Try acupuncture for insomnia, it’s worked for thousands of people. acupuncture is today a effective, well-known and proven healing modality that is practiced worldwide. While acupuncture shows promise for treating sleep disorders, like insomnia, there is scientific evidence. Still, acupuncture is a safe alternative to medications without side effects.
If you want to try acupuncture treatment for Insomnia / Sleep Disorder / Sleeplessness, make sure you referred to a experienced and qualified acupuncture practitioner. so the benefits can be tremendous.
At the Prabu's Quantum Therapy Acupuncture Clinic various modalities of acupuncture treatment for Insomnia in Salem offered by experienced and certified Acupuncturists.
Get started with a consultation today to get Best Acupuncture Treatment In Salem
Contact Prabu's Quantum Therapy Acupuncture Clinic to schedule an appointment for initial evaluation and best acupuncture treatment for Insomnia in Salem. If your are in Salem, try to reach us by searching Best Acupuncture Treatment for Insomnia or Sleeplessness or Sleep Disorders or Sleep Apnea in Salem or Acupuncture Near Me in Salem to find us…